In the past, Motorola had been manufacturing some amazing smartphones in the budget and mid range market, in the range of Rs 15,000 -17,000. After the G6 though, things took a turn downwards for the company. The phones they made were not nearly as good as they used to, and the competition was offering much better options. They launched some flagship smartphones like the Moto Razr and the Moto Edge Plus. But they were not huge success stories for the company too. However, the new Moto One Fusion Plus seems to check all the boxes. Coming in at Rs.17,000, the phone is available at a very good price and might be just the thing the company has been looking for to be back in the budget game. Here is an overview of the phone and our thoughts on it.
Display: The Motorola One Fusion Plus comes with a 6.5 inch IPS LCD FHD+ display with a 60Hz refresh rate. The best part about this display is that it is a full view, notch-less design. They are able to achieve this by a pop up front camera, which gives us a large uninterrupted display. The display is high quality and although it is not a 90Hz screen, it is not a major shortcoming.
Performance: The phone comes with a Snapdragon 730G chipset. This processor is actually very impressive and is probably the best you can find at this price. Gaming on this is a breeze, and day to day tasks can be carried out without any form of lag or hiccups. This processor is infact found on many of the more expensive phones of several companies, and to get it at this price is rather surprising. Along with this, the phone also comes with 6Gb of RAM and 128Gb of internal storage. The storage is expandable via an SD card and it supports external storage upto 1TB.
OS and UI: The phone runs on android 10 out of the box, and an update to android 11 shall be just around the corner. The phone runs on nearly stock android, with just some minor optimizations to the UI to include some of Moto's custom features. These subtle improvements actually enhance the experience. The software is clean, ad free and does not contain much bloatware. The overall software experience is very impressive and shall be a delight to use.
Cameras: The phone comes with a quad rear camera set-up with a 64Mp primary lens, an 8Mp ultrawide lens, a 5Mp macro lens and a 2Mp depth sensor. The cameras on this phone are great and a very unique feature is the ability to record video from the macro lens, which is a feature you don't find on other phones. So as compared to the competition, this phone provides a strong camera performance, and is also worth considering as a camera phone. On the front you have the 16Mp pop up selfie camera. This too is a pretty good camera, and the portrait mode shots you get from this lens are also very impressive.
Speakers: Although the phone has just a single speaker, this one is really loud, and infact one of the best in this price range. The phone also comes with a headphone jack.
Battery: Another place where this phone performs really well is the battery life. It has a 5000mAh battery which should comfortably last over a day, and for some people, maybe even two. The phone also comes with an 18W fast charger out of the box, so charging speeds are also decent.
The Verdict: This time, Motorola managed to deliver the right phone for the right price. With phone prices rising everywhere, it was surprising to see Moto come up with a phone at such an affordable price point. The powerful processor, the amazing cameras, the stock android, ad free UI, the large battery and the loud speakers make this phone, one of the best phones under Rs 20,000. The other phones in this price lose when it comes to UI, as the MI UI and the RealmeUI are no match to stock android, and the more powerful processor offered by Motorola, makes the phone even better. In my opinion, this is the phone to go for if you are looking for something around Rs 17,000.
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